Thursday, May 16, 2024

Blitzen in a cat hammock

I arrived about 1/2 an hour early for my volunteer stint at the library tonight.  Did the same last week and will continue to arrive early until school lets out for the summer.  My shift begins at 4 p.m.   I used to leave the house at 3:30 and have time to pick up a paper at the gas station, a coffee at the coffee shop, check my mailbox, and arrive at the library for 5 minutes of turnover from the volunteer before me.   School lets out at 3:30 and when the weather became nicer I noticed the teens flocked down to the gas station to do whatever teenagers do (it's been too long for me to remember that far back).  That meant there was a short line now when I bought my paper.  Not a big problem but I had to hurry to get to the library on time.  Once the weather became warm though I ran into another line at the coffee shop.  The coffee shop also sells ice cream and parents wanted to give their cherubs a treat after school.   Children seem incapable of deciding when offered a variety of flavors.  They can't stand still while waiting their turn.  After they get their ice cream they mull around complaining that they should have picked a different kind.   I do well w/ little kids (and teenagers) one on one but not when they run in packs.   So I've adjusted my schedule and get to the places they frequent while they are still locked away in class.   I avoid unnecessary stress and the library volunteer I relieve loves it!

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