Friday, January 26, 2024

Library Display - Depression Glass

The librarian was set on having a Christmas party.  She'd suggested one before Christmas but it's a busy time so she defaulted to after the New Year.  Potluck, once again I had to figure out what to cook that would be edible.  I couldn't bow out since she planned it on a Thursday night during my volunteer shift.  Sister Connie made fruit skewers one Thanksgiving so I made those.  Frozen blueberries first and last kept everything inbetween in place - half a strawberry, two fresh raspberries, a peeled orange slice, thin slice of apple, and a pineapple wedge.  No cooking required.  The librarian had also invited us to bring anyone w/ whom we usually ate supper so I met a few husbands and friends.   The librarian held a short meeting before hand and I was able to get the OK on another jigsaw puzzle exchange.  I'd brought a few puzzles to get things started and the Friday morning volunteer said she'd make a sign explaining to just take a puzzle - no need to check in/out.  After we ate, the librarian asked that we introduce ourselves to the rest of the group (since our schedules don't overlap) and tell how we came to be a volunteer at the library.    There were more accident stories than I expected.  People had broken various bones and their docs had suggested volunteering at a low impact job as a form of therapy.  They had enjoyed their stint at the library and stayed on after their recuperation.  The rest of the volunteers were long-time bibliophiles who gravitated to the library naturally.  I kept my explanation short - "My name is Susan Mayer but that's not my real name.  I'm hiding out from the law and volunteering at the library is part of my cover."  It's quite possible I may never grow up.

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