Saturday, January 07, 2023

Jigsaw Puzzle

In December when we lost electricity for a couple of days, I broke out a puzzle as an activity I could do during the day.  I had picked it up from the library earlier in the year.  Many libraries have jigsaw exchanges - places where you can leave off a puzzle you've completed and/or pick up one you'd like to do.  They aren't checked out like books.  If all of the pieces aren't there (either the person before lost one or you lost it) just don't return it.  If it takes you months to complete it, fine.  If you want to return it, great. This was before the holidays so, to keep it out of the way for Christmas, put it on a card table in front of the western windows.  Unfortunately I hadn't noticed that the cats had explored this new addition to the house furniture and scattered some pieces on the floor.  I found them when I emptied the Roomba.  I recovered them from the trash and put them back on the table - a little worse for wear.  Figured though there were more pieces that I hadn't found.  Now that the holidays are over, I sat down to complete the puzzle.  Actually it was pretty relaxing since if I couldn't find a piece immediately I assumed it was lost.  In the end, not only were all the pieces there but I have one left over!


Brent said...

It's puzzle time! We will have to break one open. Funny how you have an extra piece.

Anonymous said...

After taking down our Christmas decorations, we are putting up the puzzle table in the large picture window. We love putting puzzles together in the winter!