Wednesday, December 14, 2022

 I could hear the wind yesterday in the afternoon.  Even w/o the weatherman's forecast, it was obvious a storm was coming.  I was surprised though when Whip and I stepped out for our evening constitutional to be met w/ rain.  She turned to go back inside but I grabbed her harness and dragged her back over the threshold.  We only went beyond the buildings before she had done her final pee and I unhooked her leash.  She bolted for the house.  This morning I put on my hiking boots for the morning constitutional just in case it was slippery.  The rain of last night was now large flakes and Whip doesn't mind that.  It was still dark at that time.  Later in the morning I remembered it was garbage day.  Gathered up a bag, leashed Whip, and we trudged through the snow to where I keep the garbage can.  It's wheels didn't work through heavy snow so dragged it to the edge of the road for pickup.  That's when I noticed the trees.  They were all bent over.  Closer examination showed every branch and every twig was encased in ice.  Might stay that way for awhile since the forecast called for cold following this snow storm (which might go on 'til the weekend).  The phone was rining when we got back into the house.  It was the garbage company saying they wouldn't be picking up this week.  
On the plus side, the view out of every window looks like an Ansel Adams black and white photo.  Mother Nature is in charge of my outside decorating.

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