Thursday, November 17, 2022


First thing this morning I drove over to the Clinic and got a flu shot and the latest Covid booster.  That makes the original two Covid shots in 2021 plus a bunch of boosters.   Early morning appointments are preferable since where ever I'm going hasn't yet had time to get backed up.  Nurse Kathy was being shadowed today by a student so I tried to be on my best behavior.  For instance, I stopped counting how many times I was asked my name and birthdate.  I could have been a smart aleck and implied they were having memory issues but kept quiet.  Probably just as well not to tick off someone who is about to jab you w/ a sharp instrument.  Nurse Kathy's parting admonition was to push liquids today.  I stopped off at McD's for a latte.  Had a birthday party to go to at noon and then library duty tonight.  On the drive home I turned the corner and started climbing the hill to the house.  The ski hill lights were ablaze.  It has snowed every day this week but tonight a polar cold front hit.  Cooler temps must have been the trigger the ski hill was waiting for.  I'll go to bed early to rest up from the shots ... and to open the blinds and gaze at the lights on the hill.

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