Friday, November 11, 2022

Virgin's Bower seed heads


Fell asleep this afternoon.  Woke  up w/ a start remembering that I was suppose to help set-up for Saturday's Book, Bake, and New-2-U sale at the library.  There is a bag in the closet where I put things for this semiannual sale.  Grabbed that and drove to town.  Was surprised to see a number of volunteers just sitting at the library.  I thought it would be a hub of activity.  The usual person in charge of the sale is in the hospital (and still not doing too well it seems).  The librarian had an appointment somewhere else.  The new person in charge had said everything looked like it was ready to go and had already left.  (Hey, I was only 15 minutes late!)  I checked the room we store most of the books for sale.  Having a place to stage books certainly makes it easier but there were books on the table, floor, and piled atop each other.  I and Delores got two long tables out from the store room and placed them in the hallway leading to the book sale room.  We loaded the tables w/ the extra books and filled up two book racks.   That made room to walk around and easier to see the books.   We brought out the baskets that will be raffled off, someone found the raffle tickets, and some baked goods started coming in.  Now we were getting somewhere.  Another 45 minutes and we were ready for tomorrow's sale (which coincides precisely w/ the annual Pancake Breakfast held down the block at the American Legion Hall.)  All proceeds go towards Friends of the Library projects.  As I've said before, one of the perks of helping w/ set up is you can buy things before everyone else.  Barb, the Friends treasurer, was there so I gave her the $1.50 for an autumn quilted runner and $3 for a plate of double chocolate toffee brownies.  Think I'll still go in tomorrow - didn't get a chance to look through the books.

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