Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Purple Cone Flower

After the nightly news show the dog now expects a ride in Jormungandr.  I'm not exactly sure how this all came about but she wants out, trots over to Sleipnir, and jumps into Jormungandr before I start it up.  Not a problem so far.  There is usually something I need to do or want to see.  About that time the sun is beginning to set which is a great time to take pictures.  Tonight I threw the garbage bag in the back along w/ some water.  Stuffed the garbage in w/ the last bag of spent fireworks and dragged the bin out to the end of the drive.  Watered last year's Yggdrasil which is planted not far away.  Not sure that the little tree needs it but it can't hurt.  Then we took a run around the gorge.  Suppose I'll have to keep doing this until it's too cold to drive in an open cab or the snow is too deep.  The things we do for our pets.

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