Monday, July 11, 2022

Toilet Drinking Bowl

 I wore three different shirts today.  Everytime I got some distance from the house it suddenly began pouring rain.  I kept the first shirt on for an hour but it didn't dry out so finally shucked it off for another - which promptly got drenched within another hour.  I did remove the plants from the toilet in the front yard.  Discovered the rain filtered down through the soil in the pots left water in the bowl which was a - shall we say - unfortunate color.  I drained that and the thought came to me that the toilet might serve as a drinking bowl for the dog.  It's summer.  She gets hot.  Dogs have been known to drink from toilets (so I'm led to believe anyway).  I moved the toilet to the edge of her run and filled it w/ water from the hose.  Considered putting it inside the run for her use when I'm away for a few hours.  That option seemed a tad permanent so just left it out on the lawn and we started playing.  Turns out dogs indeed do drink from toilets.

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