Friday, July 22, 2022

Paul and his kitted out car

 Cousin Paul's hobby is photography.  Sometimes to get the shot he wants means traveling to places w/ no accommodations.  So he turned his car into a tent on wheels.  He fashioned many of the things he needed himself so tonight he's chosen to sleep in my yard as a shakedown test of his latest improvements.  He has a rather comfy looking bed.  The back of which contains a pull out table and the sides have drawers for storage.  There is an ice chest to keep things cold, blackout disks for the windows to give him privacy, and a hanging curtain across the front seat.  He didn't bring along his portable stove nor awning that attaches to the back of the car and goes out another 20 feet.  I thought about having him drive his car into the stockade where nothing could get at him but now that I've seen how it works, he should be safe from any local denizens.  Thought about the time I abandoned my tent for the car when a big bear came to check out my campsite.  That night I decided to spend the rest of the night in the car.  It's seats did recline but I might have actually gotten some sleep if I'd had a setup like Paul's.

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