Sunday, July 03, 2022

Firework Waterfalls


Brent's fireworks show was tonight.  He kept an eye on the weather reports and Independence Day looked to be stormy.  However today was a great day w/ the humidity reasonable and temps in the 70's.  The new addition of Jormungandr to ferry things out to the 'crop circle' made it not so backbreaking a setup.  At 9:30 we all sat up on the deck while Brent remotely set off each pallet of fireworks.  Lots of ooh's and aah's.  Complementing Brent's show were other fireworks shooting off all along the ridge behind.  We only needed to sit back in our chairs and watch the night sky burst into myriads of color and patterns.  A totally excellant way to celebrate the 4th.

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