Friday, May 27, 2022

Rose-breasted Grosbeak

Loaded Yggdrasil in the back of Jormungandr this morning, drove it out to it's permanent location and Phil planted it.  Yggdrasil, if you remember, was my live Christmas tree last year.  I'll buy another tree this year and it will become the new Yggdrasil (don't get confused).  Phil then drove the trails and cut back the brambles on about 1/3 of them.  We had leftovers for lunch and he went back out on Svaldifari and mowed most of the trails (the ones underwater he bypassed).  He took off awhile for a bike ride.  Once back he mowed the lawn.  Seemed to be enjoying himself so I sat in the recliner and took a nap.  Who am I to spoil his fun?

1 comment:

Brent said...

It's like reading a foreign language. Those are some hard to pronounce names.