Sunday, December 19, 2021

Red-bellied Woodpecker

Took Whip out for a morning constitutional and then went to church.  Got back around noon and let her out again.  Like Indy, while Whip loves to go outside, she expects me to go out w/ her.  I can't stand inside the nice warm house and watch her run around.  She just sits outside of the door looking in and waiting for me to join her.  I put my coat back on and braved the cold.   First we played a game of find-the-treat.  That's the same game we played this summer off the deck except now when I throw a treat it buries itself in the snow and she has to sniff it out.  Then we took a walk around the perimeter of the compound.  Hadn't noticed that the cherry tree in the stockade had blown down in the wind storm a few days ago.  It had died and I planned on cutting it down in the spring so no loss.  Decided might as well bring in the Christmas tree.  It's been living in Mjolnir.  I brought it over and set it up in my living room (much to the delight of Dunder and Blitz).  Then Whip ran at full speed twice around the house (think she might have Greyhound in her) before sitting at the door waiting to be let in.    OK, Whip was right.  It is more fun to play outside in the snow w/ a friend than alone.

1 comment:

Brent said...

Haven't heard of red bellied woodpeckers. Looks similar to a flicker?