Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Canadian Thistle

Stopped by the bank's drive-thru today.  I knew they were moving because I'd gotten a notice to remove everything from my safety deposit box by mid-November.  Wasn't sure when the physical move would take place.  As I waited for the teller to register my transaction I saw a regular paper-sized note in the window.  They would be closing Dec. 16th at this site and opening in the County Seat on Dec. 20th at the new site.  Thought the least they could have done was send me a notice in the mail.   Plus the top of the notice in the window stated "For Your Convenience, We are Moving".  I resisted asking the teller how moving to a site 15 miles away would be for "my convenience".  The answer doesn't matter.  I plan on closing my accounts in this bank after the new year - 'for their convenience.'

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