Friday, June 11, 2021


Storm was forecast for this afternoon and as the heat & humidity built, I thought it would be a doozy.   I washed clothes and hung them up early so they would dry by noon.  Around 11 a.m. I mowed all the trails and came back and did the lawn.  Afraid the lawn looks pretty haphazard since I mowed around large patches of hawkweed.  The flowers looked so happy and they bring in the butterflies.  They will die back soon enough.  Still no storm so bopped downtown.  Mailed bills and stopped at the Farmer's Market.  Picked up a dozen eggs and two more tomato plants.  The ones I picked up last week are doing well and I found two more tomato cages.  Planted those in the stockade and another packet of seeds.  Wrangled a large garbage can full of the old potting soil from the back deck to the stockade and dumped it in the middle.  Noticed the broken top covering the hole for the garden pole is gone.  It was there last night when Whip and I took our constitutional.  Decided the best thing to do was reinstall the garden pole (since the cement guys are done.)   Forgot to make lunch so did that but it turned out not to be all that good.  Gave most of it to Whip.  Compared to some of the stuff she eats, even this stuff would taste like filet mignon.  I feel like I didn't accomplish much compared to what there is to do.  I'll fall asleep fast tonight.

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