I have another original Beaman artwork - a garden pole. Brother Brent installed it for me today. Decided to place it out in front of Mjolnir but there was the pesky issue of snowplowing in winter. The garden pole is hollow and made to fit over a 4x4 post. The original plan was to slip off the pole each winter and store it until spring but that would still leave the 4x4 post in place. The snowplow doesn't plow the front of Mjolnir but he can push a rather large snowbank there. The new plan is to get another hollow pole and sink it into the ground around three feet. Then place the 4x4 inside of that and the painted garden pole over that - so the 4x4 acts like connecting dowel. When snowplowing season comes I will pull off the painted garden pole and also the post to be stored for the season. Have a separate flat white top that fits over the top of the sunken pole to keep it from filling up w/ dirt and debris. Pretty neat trick!
Nice! That is a good engineering trick from brother Brent. Would never have thought of that. Hope the solar cap works.
How about a small garden bed around it? Carolyn
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