Sunday, June 28, 2020


I took a long-term exposure of a portion of the meadow tonight.  As you can see, many fireflies just sit and blink on and off.  However there are others that like to be on the move.  Typically it's the females that sit and wait for an attractive flash from a male.  She then flashes back. The male takes off looking for her.  That means those light trails are probably made by males looking for a hook-up.  I'm not sure why I called it a  'hook-up'.  That wasn't a common term when I was growing up - unless you were talking about electricity.  Actually can't remember ever using it before.  Could be I've been watching too much TMZ on TV.  I started watching it so I could be conversant in current culture - like rappers names, Internet influencers, reality show regulars.  Must have picked up some of their idioms also.  No!  'Hook-up' was used in the Sheriff's Report in the paper so must be part of the local venacular.  TMZ is being more useful to me than planned.

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