Friday, May 08, 2020

Frog Moon

Well below freezing this morning.  The water dish I have for Indy (and which the birds use occasionally as a bird bath) was frozen solid.  The sheets I'd put over the peonies the night before had blown off in the wind.  Fortunately, that same wind was strong enough to keep frost from forming on the young plants.  It remained cold and windy the rest of the day and to tell you the truth I spent a lot of it sleeping, doing crosswords, reading, and generally lazing about.  Around 8 p.m. the sun set and the winds quieted.   Time to go out and put the sheets back out over the plants.  Tonight would be at least as cold but w/o the wind.  A bird landed on top of the shepherd's hook by the deck.  Bigger than the goldfinches, not quite robin size, white underbelly, roundish in appearance.  If it hadn't been getting dark I might have noticed it's bluish color sooner.  The blue birds are back!  Just wish we had warmer weather to welcome them home.

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