Monday, March 16, 2020

The School is Quiet

The pastor had a running joke through his sermon about people stockpiling toilet paper. As I walked into the grocery store this morning I saw two women walking out - each w/ just a package of toilet paper. Had the hoarding hysteria reached the Northwoods? Turns out my grocery store is running a special on toilet paper. In fact they had stacks of toilet paper packages in multiple locations around the store. Brought a smile to my face. Here's some things to consider when the urge comes upon you to put the squeeze on another roll of Charmin. 90% of our toilet paper is made right here in the United States - it is one of the few commodities we don't rely on imports from China. The Toilet Paper Capital of the World is Green Bay, Wisconsin. Felicity Huffman was given only one roll of toilet paper to last her entire jail incarceration. On average we use 20 rolls/person/year. Now that there are fewer newspapers, catalogs, and phone directories being produced, there is no shortage of wood pulp for the fabrication of toilet paper. (Funny - I remember when newspapers, catalogs, and phone directories were toilet paper.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good to know!