Friday, February 21, 2020

Bird Puzzles

 I had the dreaded colonoscopy.  Actually it's the prep the night before that is 'dreaded'.   The pharmacist had suggested using the included flavor packet and cooling the liquid before drinking.  The instructions said to drink a glassful at 10 to 20 minute intervals.  That all actually worked fairly well.  The next morning Brent took me down to the hospital and there they had me put on a gown that was OK for meeting people but not passing them by.  A nurse came in to put an IV in my arm.  She wanted to put it in the vein in my forearm instead of the nice thick vein at my elbow.  That didn't work well for her and after two tries she reverted to the elbow.  The resulting black and blue mark has faded away finally.
I was rolled, bed and all, into the examining room.  They asked me to turn over on my side and the next thing I knew the doc was just finishing up.  I went through one of my mental lists - think it was the Roman Gods of Mt. Olympus.  I knew them all so my mind wasn't affected by whatever they'd given me.   My motor skills were a little off but Brent was around to drive me home (after picking up take-out at the Chinese place).  Got the results back from the hospital - the doc found three polyps that he removed and suggested I have another colonoscopy in 5 years.  Hoping by that time someone will have developed a better 'flavor packet'.


Brent said...

Like the puzzle pictures. How has the bird count been going?

Anonymous said...

I love the bird puzzles! Carolyn