Friday, August 09, 2019

Dew on Wild Strawberry Leaves

Had some shopping to do so drove to the City-on-the-Other-Side-of-the-Hills.  Bought work boots.  I prefer walking in them rather than regular hiking shoes.  Work boots are rugged enough to stand up to the underbrush, provide a great grip on the ground, protect toes, and stabilize my ankles.  Finished shopping and decided to have lunch before going home.  I've long told friends that when I kill someone and order my final meal in jail, I want a #8 from Taco Johns.  As I sat eating there I thought maybe I need to stop saying that.  Not only does my state not have the death penalty but after current events people may not view that statement as being as ludicrous as I intentioned.   My new superlative will be that when I get married Taco John's is not only catering the reception but I plan on a churro wedding cake.

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