Saturday, May 25, 2019

Setting out Flowers

The plan was to get up at 6:00, put the flowers out at the cemetery, have some breakfast downtown, etc. That timetable was blown apart when Brother Phil knocked at my bedroom door just before 6 and told me to get up. My driveway was blocked. That's another story though and I'll tell you about that on a later blog entry. Brother Russell stopped up to see what all the todo was about. By 10:30 a.m. the driveway was cleared out and we all decided to go together, put out flowers, and have breakfast.
Phil noticed the lilacs were beginning to bloom and picked some for Grandma's gravestone.  We used one of her old Mason jars as a vase. The brothers helped me set out the rest of the flowers.  All of the pots looked nice and, since I'd made one more than needed, two went on our parent's graves. Solved my yearly dilemma: Should I put the flowers on the side of the stone facing the access road or on the side where the names are engraved?


Anonymous said...

Nice to have company this year, I am sure. Thank you for being so faithful and putting flowers on the graves.


Brent said...

A blog with a teaser. Ha. Hope you are having warmer weather now.