Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Bobolinks are back

A sunny morning.  I hung out wash on the line.  So what if there was the whiff of manure in the air. When I was a kid, manure was dispersed via a 'honey wagon'.  Now the neighbor catercorner from me has an extremely long hose that sucks liquefied manure from his farm's holding pond.  The hose runs along the side of the road - snaking through culverts - spurred on by pumping stations along the way.  At it's destination the hose is attached to an injector which is dragged back and forth through the field by a tractor.  This method produces less smell but not no smell.  That's OK.  Out on the clothes line I had old sheets I used to cover plants during this last cold week.  Now that the weather forecast seems to be looking up, time to clean the sheets before tucking them away.

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