Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Ian on a flying lesson

A picture from my niece Becky.

When I found that tick on me a couple of days ago I called the vet.  Indy gets a Lyme's vaccine yearly and I also pick up more tick repellent for her.  Her appointment was today.  The vet took her in almost immediately, gave her a shot, a once-over, and we were out of there in less than 10 minutes.  Good thing since another man in the waiting room had two unleashed dogs w/ him and Indy was not amused w/ their overtures.  (Glad I put a muzzle on her for vet visits.)  The vet suggested I get the tick repellent on their new medicine website.  Once home, I checked - they don't deliver to a P.O. Box.  Neither does Chewy - another popular pet med site.  Amazon won't sell the kind of tick repellent I want.  Kinda felt like Indy - wanted to snarl at my computer.  Will sleep on it and I'm sure I'll see things rationally in the morning.

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