Friday, April 12, 2019

Dark-eyed Junco

 Snowing all day but the wind has died down so things went back to normal and normally I would have stayed in all day. Had an early morning caller and suddenly there were errands better done today than waiting 'til Monday.  County roads hadn't been cleaned.  Almost went into the ditch twice because of black top that was deceptively clear in places, then deep in slush, and scattered patches of ice.  However got everything done, picked up mail and lunch, and was home by noon.
Noticed little juncos had stopped by and were pecking around for imaginary bits of food on the deck.  They like to feed on the ground rather than hit my hanging feeders.   I felt sorry for them having to deal w/ this early spring snowstorm and threw out a handful of bird seed.  That attracted more birds.  Which caused me to toss out more seed.  Which attracted more birds.  Feeding frenzy.  Fights broke out.  Cats amused.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The weather looked terrible for your location. Happy you are home safe, again. We are seeing many birds who are passing through to their northern summer homes. Various duck species we only see twice a year are here now. Waiting for the Orioles to show soon.
