Monday, March 18, 2019

Wllow in Winter

As I've noted before on this blog, Electra was a cloud nymph who was the mother of Iris (the personification of the rainbow).  Electra was also the name of the daughter of Trojan War leader Agamemnon  (where the name for the psychotic Electra Complex comes from).   And Electra was the name of my great-great-grandmother.  The name means 'bright or brilliant one' which, of course, also describes me perfectly. If I were to ever change my name I might pick that one.  Was surprised when  my brother-in-law Dan e-mailed that Electra was married to David.  I lived in an apartment in the Big City for awhile and I did what many single women did: I added a male name to my ID in the building's front foyer. Bubba was my first choice - very macho - but not realistic.  Instead I went w/ the semi-fictional 'David and Susan Mayer' for the entry atop my mail slot.  Might be I was channeling Grandma Electra.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Electra would suit you perfectly! Love this name.
