Lost Internet again on Saturday and didn't get it back until today. The summer reading program at the library will be on the subject of 'Space'. The head of it was trying to figure out some activities for the children to do since they would be meeting during the summer and many kids wouldn't get up early enough to see stars and go to bed before it got very dark. "Not a problem," I said, "There are lots of astronomy-related activities for kids to do during daylight hours." Relative sizes/distances of the sun & planets (there is a nice long open grassy area right next to the library). Ask kids to draw a picture of an alien or an astronomer and then discuss their picture. Making and calibrating a sundial. Making a prism/rainbow. Packing a box for a trip to Mars. Naming products named after astronomical things (Comet cleanser, Saturn car, Milky Way candy bars, etc.) Make impact cratering in sand. Make a solar cooker. Too many to remember - I'll send her an e-mail.
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