Monday, July 02, 2018

First Cut

My neighbor Blake cut the hay field next to me today.  Most of the animals that use the hayfield - the birds that nest there, the fawns that hide there, the rabbits that raise all of their multitude of bunnies - are big enough now to get out the the way of the scythe.  Doesn't mean there aren't some casualties such as voles.  After Blake had finished the crows and vultures started cruised over.  Indy was anxious to get out and sniff around too so we took a walk.  Saw lots of wildlife.  One type of wildlife found us - mosquitoes.  Lots and lots of mosquitoes.   A generous application of bug spray keeps them at bay and I won't complain about them.  It's a feast for many animals that are feeding extra mouths right now.

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