Monday, June 04, 2018

Crepuscular Rays

It had been a busy day.  Around 7:00 p.m. when the Friends of the Library meeting broke up I went home and decided it was time to relax a bit.  With my crossword puzzle and a bottle of pop, I and Indy went out to the deck.  Oops, the hummer feeders were almost out of fluid.  Indy laid down and I went inside and quickly made some up.  While I waited for it to cool I filled up the seed feeders too.  Once all of the feeders were refilled I sat down in a deck chair.  Oops, hadn't brushed Indy today.  Back inside for her brush and spent sometime working on her fur.  She still looks more like a fluffy bear than a lab. Noticed the broken cloud cover was causing long yellow rays as the sun set so back inside for my camera and snapped a few shots.  Sat back down on the deck and watched as the bright white tops of the clouds turned to pink.  The bird calls lessened while the insect and frog noises increased.  As it got darker the solar lights started popping on.  Never did get to my crossword puzzle but it was a nice way to end the day.

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