Wednesday, April 04, 2018

Election Day

Tuesday was an election day.  The state requirement is there must be a minimum of three poll workers.  One of the usual three couldn't make this day so I was asked to fill in.  As usual, before the polls open, we make a wager (it's only for boasting rights) on how many people will vote there that day.  We'd had a snowstorm the day before and the snow had started again and was coming down hard.  The election was for a state judge seat, unopposed school board and county board seats, and a state referendum.  So w/ the combination of bad weather and low interest races one poll worker guessed 15 people.  The next poll worker citing that we'd had 50 people come out for the judge's primary in February thought we might get 60 people.  While there hadn't been much interest that I'd heard in the races, there has been a consistent rumble concerning  politics in general in the area and I guessed 75.  The town chairman came through periodically and plowed the town hall parking area throughout the day.   We ended up w/ 7 more inches of snow and 99 people which is around 30% turnout.  I had an enjoyable day.  That said, between the 1% of people who love to cause problems and all of the multiple documents to fill out at the end, I'm just as happy I'm only a sub on the poll worker list.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, impressive turnout! Gives me hope.
