Wednesday, January 31, 2018

1935 - Just goofing around

On the back of the photo is written "A good job done, staging all down.  How in the world will we get down? Help us!  We are getting hungry."  If I hadn't have read that don't think I would have even noticed the three figures on top of the new barn's roof.  Might be Walter, Neil, and Herbert.

I walked outside this morning and saw that we'd had more snow than I expected overnight. Thought it was deep enough to keep me from slipping on the ice but it wasn't and I went down hard before I had taken four steps.  The snow did cushion my fall though.  Nothing felt sore when I got up but I did feel like all my joints had loosened up.  The clouds didn't start to clear off until after the moon had set so no pics of the lunar eclipse.  All worked out OK,  I guess.  Wouldn't have been pretty if I'd fallen w/ my camera on the tripod.

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