Tuesday, October 03, 2017


I won September's photo contest.  Our subject was the letters 'M I J' - three letters picked totally at random.   First I googled the letters.  One source did say it could stand for 'Made in Japan'.  We had just installed an oriental themed display at the library so I entered that picture (it was on the blog earlier).    I looked up the letters on the library's online system and found an author whose name is Mij Kelly.  She writes for kids so I lucked out w/ photogenic large colorful books.  Before putting them back I did read them - they were quite entertaining.  Still at the library, I saw Jim come in to use the computers.  I know Jim a little - he helped Blake pull my car out of a snowbank last winter and he'd put in a display at the library too.  I asked Jim if I could take his picture - but not of his face - of his back.  I launched into an explanation about the photo contest and the subject was 'M I J' which is his name but spelled backwards and that was why I didn't want a pic front-ward of him but back-ward.  He might of just let me take the picture in order to shut me up.  Then I thought of letters in a word game.  I don't have Scrabble but I do have Boggle. After setting it up of course I had to play the game.  One more picture needed to make the required five entries.  Someone suggested spelling out 'M I J' w/ rocks.  Built on that idea by making the 'M' out of mittens; the 'J' out of jars; and putting Indy in the middle.  That picture was a winner.

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