Sunday, October 01, 2017

A hole in the clouds

I picked apples from my tree for breakfast.  The apples this year have multiple spots and fissures on their surface.  I wouldn't buy any that looked like they do in the store.  In fact, if my tree had been in the Garden of Eden, pretty sure Adam and Eve would still be in residence.  However I was making a German pancake that puffs up in the oven.  The cut up apples cooked w/ a little cinnamon, brown sugar, white sugar, and butter are a perfect autumn filling for it.   W/ the ugly skin peeled off the apples proved to be firm, sweet, and tasty.   Adam and Eve wouldn't have known what they were missing.

1 comment:

Brent said...

Am enjoying your pictures! Always enjoyed your yummy baked goods when at your place.