This time of year I like to sit in the chair next to the sedum on the east end of the deck. The sedum is in bloom and it's a magnet for bees and butterflies. Just from my chair's vantage point, I counted 17 Painted Ladies, 2 Monarchs, 1 moth, and too many bees to count this afternoon. It's a bit thrilling to be right next to so many little buzzing hypodermic needles of venom. Not to worry, it's perfectly safe. The bees are intent on finding pollen and pay no attention to anyone or anything else. When a bee meets a butterfly on the same section of flower it's the butterfly that walks/flies away as the bee barrels through. The only time I am careful is when I sit down in the chair - need to make sure there isn't an errant bee there first. Even though it's not a native, I'm planting more Autumn Fire sedum at the other corner of the deck. It's got unique foliage so is easy to recognize and I don't mow it over, blooms in the autumn when other flowers are getting scarce, takes Northwoods cold winters just fine, and it's like candy bars for the bees.
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