Thursday, August 10, 2017

Culver's Root

Off and on rain all day.  Early on I saw that there was a lull in the rain so decided to go on a quick walk w/ Indy.  I didn't take my camera and, of course, there was a Monarch butterfly that landed close by and spread it's wings to dry off, sprays of chokecherry berries each w/ a droplet of rain hanging from it, and a pair of ruffed grouse on the path in front of me.  Indy watched them but didn't seem all that interested and on the grouses's side they noticed us but just ambled on down the trail unconcerned.  It was raining again by the time we got home.  We found a break in the weather again in the afternoon for another quick walk.  Might try to get in one more walk tonight.  That will mean putting on a third pair of shoes since the ones I wore for the first two jaunts are still drying out.

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