Sunday, May 28, 2017

Young buck

Storms were due in the afternoon so Indy and I checked all of the bird houses early.  More tree swallow eggs and one nest w/ bluebird eggs.  I again dumped out a sparrow's nest from one house.  (Let them find their own place to nest.)  When we finished the wind was rising so we went out to fly a kite but it was too gusty to successfully get that kite to stay up.  Felt some rain drops and decided it was time to get back inside.  Just in time because the forecasted rainstorm came through.   Time to do a tick check.  I've written about the procedure a couple of times in the blog but I don't know if I've stressed enough not to put the same clothes back on.   Seems I'm always finding ticks later on those same clothes when I put them in the washer.  Means I go through a couple changes of clothes a day - not a problem if it keeps a tick off me.

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