Monday, October 17, 2016

Island on the lake

Perfect October day. We were socked in by fog until 10 a.m. Very spooky. Then the sun came out and it was a warm (60's) w/ that smell of fallen leaves in the air. I'd cut back Indy's medicine a small amount and we went on a slightly longer walk today. After sunset the wind rose and the sky lit up w/ lightening. Perfect time for another short walk. We got back home just before a deluge started. Out the windows, it looked like the beginning of those old scary mystery movies. The kind of weather that would have inspired that infamous line "It was a dark and stormy night."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the reflection.

On dark stormy nights, my mother-in-law used to say "It's a good night for a murder." Then she would just smile....
Dan and I still say that sometimes and laugh.
