Monday, April 20, 2015

Red Maple blossoms

Saw the optometrist today. I walked into his office and from my vantage point it looked like he had photos of sun spots and some classic novae. On closer inspection they were pics of the inside of my eye. (Yep, I do need new glasses.) He dilated my eyes, did the dreaded "is this better... or this?" tests, and told me to focus on his ear while he shone a bright light in my eyes. He pronounced my eyes healthy and very myopic. Had a clerk search for new frames and took her word that I looked OK in them. However even wearing my sunglasses home on an overcast day did not save me from a ripping headache caused by my dilated eyes taking in too much light. Good excuse to hit the sack early tonight.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And you took the time to write in your blog tonight! It does hurt.
It's almost that time for me again.
Made an appointment for a hearing check today. Please bring your husband along, a voice you are familiar with. (Sorry, that not going to happen!) JVM