Saturday, December 13, 2014

Library Display - Angels

I wanted a library display that was "Christmasy". I tried first the high school and then the grade school art teacher the last two years for displays of artwork. While they did display student crafts, they didn't have any seasonal theme. So I decided this year to ask the other volunteers for their angels and make a display out of them. I made sure they were installed for today since it was "Christmas in the Village". Santa was at the library and the library had a photographer taking pictures of children on Santa's lap. The local boy scout troop was there to run various games for the kids to play. In the adjoining Village Hall, carolers sang and board members served hot soup and cookies. Outside a hay wagon drawn by work horses gave rides around town. Looked like everyone had a good time.


Anonymous said...

Very nice!

Anonymous said...

Why didn't you put Rachel's picture in the display? (just kiddin)
I've been keeping my eye out for angel pictures that I can embroidery for a Christmas Quilt. Also snowmen. There were a couple books out, but are probably out of print now.I can make my own collection and have an original. JVM