Sunday, December 28, 2014

Christmas Cards

Expected to see my cousins, Will and Nancy, this afternoon when I drove to the Family Restaurant. They had called on Friday and said they would be over to see Aunt June on Sunday and could we meet for lunch? Therefore, I was surprised to see instead her sister's family, Elizabeth, Gene, and their sons Rick and Paul. Will & Nancy couldn't come but since Elizabeth & Gene were still in the Big City, they had decided to come instead. We had a great time. Gene got a tablet for Christmas and Rick and Paul were giving him lessons on how to use it and loading apps on it. I think the best way to learn something new is to have objectives so I asked Gene to e-mail me a picture from their hot-air balloon ride earlier this year. Hopefully, my request isn't too far down his To-Do list.

P.S. If Wanda is reading this, notice that the silver tea set you cleaned before the reunion still looks great!

1 comment:

Rick said...

It was great seeing you.
I hope you shake your cold soon.