Thursday, December 11, 2014


There is a reason obstacle courses are built outside. I'm teaching Indy to run a makeshift obstacle course through my living room (winter's w/o walks can get boring). This afternoon as I made a quick pivot to entice her jumping over the ottoman and then running under the table, I slipped. I went down hard to the floor. I stayed put while my brain checked in w/ the rest of the body to see if everything was still functioning. Got back AOK's though the eyes did report there was a long black streak on the floor where my shoe had made a mark as I went down. (That's going to be a devil to get out.) Got up and the hip I landed on protested but that was all. Pretty sure this fall will be adding to my existing black and blue marks. My leg will resemble a rotten banana for a couple of weeks. Bummer.


Brent said...

Sounds like you are getting beat up. Bet you will want to take one of those relaxing baths this weekend. Glad to see that Indy still feels young enough to run around in the house. Guess you do to, ha.

Anonymous said...

You and Connie both! Take care of yourselves. You are some of my favorite aunts!