Thursday, July 03, 2014


People did pretty well w/ remembering to pick up their possessions after the reunion. I'm left w/ just this jacket and striped satchel. If they are yours, or you know who they belong to, contact me and I'll get them back to their owners. The person who left a pair of very nice spatulas e-mailed me immediately when they got home and I was able to send them w/ someone else who lived nearby. A pair of white sunglasses (they were part of the scavenger hunt so that's how they got misplaced) was missed by the owner but she assured me that they were old anyway and not to bother sending them. I was able to put them to good use today. The lens from my own glasses popped out and before I could catch it, the teeny tiny screw dropped too. I couldn't find it. Remembering the sunglasses, I did a little operation to remove one of the screws as a replacement in my frames. Worked great (and so much less geeky than using a bent staple).

1 comment:

Rachel said...

my striped bag...thought I had got it home.