Wednesday, June 04, 2014

Blue Bead Lily

Only the herdsman and I were milking this morning. As you know, Wednesday is dry-off day. She also brought out the sprayer so we would be spraying hooves for warts before the cows left the parlor. I was in constant motion. After milking, the herdsman was working w/ the guy updating the milking system laptop to Windows 8 (this should be fun). That left me to rinse down the parlor, wash the utensils, and setup for the next shift. At home Indy was anxious for a walk.  Orion wanted me to turn on the bathtub faucet so she could drink fresh, cold, running water (rather than her bowl). The garden and the potted flowers on the deck were crying for water. An oriole perched above the grape jam feeder gazing at it's emptiness, the goldfinches were fighting over the last of the sunflower seeds and the hummingbirds were hovering in front of the window as if to ask why their feeder was low on sugar water. When I got all of those tasks finished, it was time for me to do my volunteer stint at the library. Do I ever get bored now that I'm retired? When do I have time?

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