Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The amaryllis blooms again

I'd barely sat down to start my stint tonight at the library, when a girl stopped at the desk. "I have a school project to present an environmental issue. I'd like to write about Africa where women still have to fetch water and carry it home. I want to do it by describing a schedule of a normal day. I've looked on-line under YouTube, Yahoo, and Blogger but can't find anything that would give me a schedule like that. I suppose I could make it up but do you have any ideas?" Yes, I had a few. Doubted that someone who didn't have access to clean water would be blogging plus growing up in the Northwoods probably wasn't going to give a person enough insight into an African woman's life to make up anything. Didn't say either of those. "Try entering Day in African Woman's Life into a search-engine." I suggested. That did the trick and she was all smiles when she left an hour later. What can I say? Just another episode in the continuing saga Susan Mayer - Library Volunteer.

1 comment:

Pete said...

Saw 4 amaryllis blooming in the Park here this morning. Nice to see! I check on their progress as I go by on my daily walks.

While still working, I can just turn to my co-workers (Africa, Vietnam, Laos, etc) to see what life is like in their countries. Girl from Laos (1 of 12 kids) slept on the floor lined up like cord wood. Makes us really appreciate our American lifestyle!