Friday, February 28, 2014

White-breasted Nuthatch

This picture from my neighbor, Doug Dearhamer.

On the days that the herdsman is giving shots, she is in the parlor w/ Jody and I all through milking. When that happens the herdsman, who has a four year old daughter, and Jody, who has a similarly aged son, talk non-stop. I keep my mouth shut. I've endured conversations on epidurals, breast feeding, dealing w/ in-laws, and cute-things-my-child-has-said. Today's conversation was on potty training. Jody wants to send her son to pre-school but feels she first needs to get him to use the toilet on a regular basis instead of urinating outside. She said it would be easier if her husband would set an example. Once I got home and my errands done, I called up my neighbors, the Dearhamers, and asked if I could please come over. Felt so much better after a cup of coffee and intelligent adult conversation.

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