Monday, February 17, 2014

Pink - Jellyfish

Picture from my friend, Kathy Novey.

The dairy owners are taking off for a vacation to warmer climes so, of course, lots of issues cropped up. The milk tester arrived as planned. The hoofer arrived as not planned (he was suppose to come next week) but since he was already there they set up for him. One of the milking units stopped working and the part had to be ordered. The owners jury-rigged a fix. The night-shift milker, Randy, gave notice that he would be leaving (in less than a week) and Jody told the owners she wanted to cut back to 4 days a week. Did I mention we were in the middle of a snow storm too? The owners took everything w/ aplomb. Think their plan is to do what they can and, when it's time to leave for their trip, wave good-bye to their son, Evan, who will be left to deal.

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