Monday, February 24, 2014

Indy walking on top of the snow

During the Winter Olympics, I noticed the country doing the best in the medals standing differed between news stations. I looking into it and found some news media counted how many medals a country received (counting gold, silver, and bronze equally) while others weighted the count (giving the country w/ more gold medals a higher position than one w/ more medals but less of them gold.) Got me to thinking that if you factored in the age of the country Slovakia's one gold was pretty good for a country only 22 years old. Latvia's four medals are impressive when you realize the countries total population is only 2 million. When you consider that the GDP per capita for Croatia is $17k, one silver medal shows a lot of effort. So if we start talking average temperature of their home country, the Jamaican bobsledders even making it to the Winter Olympic games is an outstanding performance.

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