Saturday, February 08, 2014

Drift outside the living room window

A busy morning at the library. All of the cold weather seems to have people reading. Ronnie walked into the library. He appeared to know everyone using the computers, walked over there, and started in on a tirade about how farmers are leaches on our society. He said they live on their farm subsidies - that farmers need to be buried four feet deeper because even in death they have their arms outstretched for a handout. I looked over. None of the people at the computers seemed to be taking offense so I didn't intervene. He continued that farm kids are brain addled because their mothers are always drunk. It's America. He is entitled to voice his opinion but I was glad when he left - nor did it escape my notice that Ronnie didn't check out any books.


Anonymous said...

Had anyone asked for his opinion? Wonder what got him started on that in farm country of all things - perhaps he was referring to his own personal background and embittered?

Rachel said...

It sounds like Ronnie was angry with the latest Farm Bill and may not have differentiated between large commercial farmers and smaller business farmers.