Thursday, January 23, 2014

Green - Manatee

A picture from Pete Valesano.

Forecast was for another very cold morning.  Must have bothered me because I kept waking up in the night - worried about the wind blowing my driveway shut, my car which was low on gas (and sucks up gas fast in this cold weather), how cold I would be milking.  So I hurried through breakfast this morning to get an early start.  There was a pretty big drift outside my front door but the north wind had scoured my driveway clean down to the ice.  Since I was early, I stopped off for a five minute gas fill-up.  Best of all, we didn't get the -18 degree temp forecast, it was only -10 when I reached work.  Life is good!


Anonymous said...

My mom swears she doesn't remember doing this but I can distinctly remember having to wait for the temperature to warm up to -10 degrees so Rachel and I would be allowed to go outside and play in Plum City, WI. Brrrr!

Anonymous said...

I think she is dreaming!If, big If, I did say that, I was probably sure it wouldn't get that high. (The Mom) JVM