Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Two that got away

This morning was one of the coldest so far this season. On the way home from work, my car gave up the ghost just shy of the village bridge. I started walking. The mechanic verified an alternator problem but he didn't have the part. "Tomorrow morning." he promised. Donna picked me up and gave me a lift back home. I left messages for the dairy owners and the herdsman that I wouldn't be in tomorrow. Then made six calls until I found someone who would take my shift at the library tonight. That done, I considered that not only would I miss out on working the last cold morning of this particular deep freeze but I'd probably have to sleep in tomorrow. Never say there isn't a silver lining to every dark cloud.

1 comment:

Brent said...

Hope you didn't have to wait in the cold too long. How far did you walk?