Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Russell coming up the Gorgeous Gorge path

I was almost in bed last night when I got a call from the some friends. They were having a get-together in the Big City. Stan, Kathy's husband, had suggested using cow magnets to degauss a hard drive. I think the suggestion was "tongue in cheek" since Kathy and Nancy are both native Wisconsinites. (Don't all people from Wisconsin know about cow magnets?) Well, they didn't believe him when he explained what cow magnets were and decided to call me (whom they do consider a cow expert.) I assured them that cows are often fed a magnet which stays in their stomach (at least one of them) to keep accidentally ingested metal from puncturing the stomach lining. When I walked into work this morning, I asked the herdsman if the dairy used cow magnets and she reached into a cabinet, pulled out a box, and gave me one. It's cylindrical, a little longer than my thumb, and not quite as wide. If you are still trying to think of what to give someone for Christmas, you might consider giving cow magnets. Even if the recipient doesn't happen to own a cow, they also make excellent refrigerator magnets.

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Correction: I believe everything my husband says :)